Asendia Insights

China 2020: E-commerce Country Report

Written by Asendia | Dec 16, 2020 12:44:00 PM

In partnership with Asendia, RetailX has published the China 2020: E-commerce Country Report, an insightful read about this fascinating e-commerce market.

By way of our partnership with RetailX, Asendia is pleased to offer e-tailers a copy of this report, valued at €229, as a free download. For non-retailers, the report can also be purchased directly from RetailX.

With 1.156bn USD of B2C e-commerce sales forecast for 2020, up from 862bn USD in 2019, China’s e-commerce growth shows no signs of slowing up. Driven by strong infrastructure and high investment into a digital economy, China’s population is now spending online more than ever, making it a major destination for e-commerce retailers around the world.

The latest report looks at growing market trends and empowers businesses to utilise consumer wants and needs, for example Chinese customers’ willingness to wait longer for less expensive shipping options and the wide range of e-payment options available. Plus, Asendia Hong Kong’s CEO Jerry Leung offers his insights into the future of China’s e-commerce market. Here’s what he has to say:

“Friendship marketing is mainstream in China and driven by social media. There is a huge population of internet users in China, and people enjoy sharing lifestyle tips with friends and family through social platforms. People are very willing to accept and try out new trends.”

The report includes a Q&A with
Asendia's Jerry Leung.


Did you know 21% of Chinese shoppers shop directly through live streaming and instant messaging services? Or that many companies are planning to introduce logistics drones to deliver goods? China is set to remain one of the world’s most exciting e-commerce destinations, so an understanding of key trends is a must for any retailer looking to target this lucrative market.


E-tailers – See a complete list of the contents of the China 2020: E-commerce Country Report and download your free copy today!